Less Risk- More Cost- Go to a Certified Club Maker/Fitter
This is the best approach to obtain high quality clubs that are right for you personally. It is also the best way for most golfers to improve their games. The cost savings you would achieve in the other approaches will be gone, but you will have high quality clone golf clubs that fit your swing. Do top PGA Tour players use off-the-shelf standard clubs? Not on your life. Even though they endorse certain brands and use clubs from their sponsors, those clubs have been modified and customized for each player. If the best players in the world need to have their clubs customized for their individual swings, wouldnt it benefit you as well, whose swing is less perfect? If you have a set of clubs made by a professional club maker/fitter who is certified by PCS (the Professional Clubmakers Society- try to find a PCS Class A clubmaker) or the GCA (Golf Clubmakers Assoc.), you will receive a set of clubs that will get everything possible out of your game. If this approach is beyond the means of your budget, it is possible to do a club fitting on-line. If you can find a professional accredited clubmaker from one of the two...