Most experts advise consumers to avoid having too many credit card accounts. When you decide to open a new card because it has better rates, it is important to make sure you properly close your existing credit card. There are a number of reasons why you should close existing accounts when opening a new credit card.
Closing some of your cards will allow you to have control over them. When you have multiple cards, it is easy for some of them to get lost. If this happens, you are susceptible to being the victim of fraud if somone finds it. Closing your accounts will also allow you to maintain a good credit report. You credit score may be lowered if you have multiple accounts, because you are seen as being a risk. Closing your accounts will also allow you to avoid fees and universal default.
Any credit card accounts which are not being used should be closed. At the same time, you want to make sure you don’t close your oldest card, as this could damage your credit score. It will also allow you to avoid being the victim of identity theft. It is important to remember that some cards have annual fees, and you will still be charged even if you’re not using...