Get out all the ads you ran last year. Go ahead. Tear them out of your magazines or newspapers (if youre lucky enough to have proof sheets, so much the better). Tear out your competitors ads tooas many as you can get your hands on. Next, fold the company names, addresses and logos out of view. If the company names are in the headlines block them off with paper and tape. Now tape them up to the wall, putting yours on top, your competitors below. Now back off, at least five feet. Were going to gradually close in on the most effective ad in the group (hopefully one of yours).
The Eye Test View
First, and this is very important, dont read any of them. Instead give them a quick, visual once overwhat I call the Eye Test. Do your ads stand out? Or do they dissolve into the mush of sameness? Remember, your audience will see your ad, not in a vacuum but with dozens of competitive ads in the same or similar magazines or newspapers. If your ads stand out, youre ahead by a length.
Step in, Feel the Image
Now move in a little closer to your ads. Close enough to get the feel or image they project Like a new salesperson who walks through the door,...