It is one of the most frustrating feelings in the world. Youre trying to rid yourself of your debts. Youre putting more and more of your paycheck towards your credit cards. Youre gradually paying them off. Finally, the day arrives when you clear the entire outstanding balance. The card is finally cleared. A huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders and you can go to sleep at night knowing that youve got one less worry in life.
Credit Card Company
Does your credit card company share your joy? Do they congratulate you on taking care of a pressing anxiety in your life? In fact they do the exact opposite. Its not really surprising, after all youre their customer and theyre losing your business. But who would have guessed the lengths they go to stop you closing your account. Recently my wife has been closing a couple of credit card accounts and when she zeroes out the account and calls to tell them to close it, shes sometimes insisting with them for ten minutes that she doesnt want the account any longer, she doesnt need it for emergencies, she doesnt want a lower interest rate, and she doesnt want any special offers. She just wants to close the...