If you have an online business and you have grown to a place where you have employees other than family working for you there are some ways to increase the satisfaction level of your staff.
Many of these ideas are simply common sense, but are mentioned as a means of reminding employers of the strength and ability each employee brings to your organization.
I read a story recently about a woman who had accepted an entry-level position at a bank. This woman was motivated to move up in her new profession so when the boss said he wanted to see more bonds sold she hit a grand slam. This woman sold more than a million dollars in bonds in a short period of time.
Ironically, this motivated employees boss rewarded her efforts with a smile and the gift of a company coffee mug. Nothing more.
Some employees can survive on praise alone while others may have something else in mind. For example some employees perform at optimum levels if they have some assurance that it may result in career advancement. Some employees are interested in perks.
You might be surprised how even a simple gift that is appreciated can keep an employee motivated.
It has been...