Coffee franchises have taken over in small business today as we know it. Every corner in every major city has a coffee house, most of these coffee houses are linked through coffee franchises. 81% of Americans will have been in at least 5 different coffee franchises in their lifetime.2.5% of the stock market are cornered by such businesses like the basic coffee house. We the public has definitely benefited from large coffee franchises, as they have benefited from us.
Small Business vs. Franchise Each has its own benefit. A small business owner has a lower overhead. This is ideal for profit margins. A single coffee house owner can expect to have up to 4 employees, this would be ideal, and they can maintain business with this type of crew. The average pay that a single coffee house owner can expect to pay out per employee could be anywhere from $5.75 an hour -$6.50 an hour. Usually a small business owner of this type can afford to hire part-time employees, therefore saving oneself the added costs of health benefit. Accidental insurance coverage for this low ratio will also be feasible. A coffee franchise has the benefit of name recognition. Everyone who is an avid coffee...