Coffee Grown Around the World
As you prepare your morning coffee every morning in your kitchen, how much time have you spent thinking of where that coffee bean came from? Coffee has a rich and colorful past, and is now grown all around the world. Although it was first grown in what is known today as Ethiopia, coffee production soon began to be grown in many other parts of the world, on almost every continent. In fact, coffee is now grown in over 70 countries.
To grow great tasting coffee, you need a region with a combination of long periods of sunshine and times with heavy rain. Because of this, most coffee beans will only grow in tropical parts of the world, the most notable of which is South America. South American coffee growers, in countries such as Brazil and Columbia, now boast the largest coffee growing areas and with more than 400 billion cups of coffee consumed every year around the world, the coffee growing business is quite lucrative.
Most people, when they think of coffee growers, immediately remember Juan Valdez, the fictional coffee grower from Columbia. Yet, Brazil is the winner in the coffee growing business, with a market share of 28% of...