Every day that passes offers parents the opportunity to share valuable life lessons they have learned with their college-aged student. One of the most important of those lessons is financial management, and the more you talk about it to your students as they enter young adulthood, the more successful they will be during college and throughout their lives.
To help college-bound students manage their budgets, Chase offers resources to guide students on how to manage their finances responsibly from the first day of class to graduation, and beyond.
Financial Management 101
Before they fill their schedules with biology, economics and philosophy, encourage your college-bound students to make room for Financial Management 101, an important life “curriculum,” as they go through the school year.
These tips from Chase will help your students get a passing financial grade and may even land them on the financial honor roll:
1. Create a budget for the school year-and stick to it.
A-List out all your income/ loan disbursements
B-List out all your expenses
C-Make sure A is greater than B.
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