Finally the veil has been lifted from the cloaked Colloidal Silver story. The confusion is removed from the arena of use. Will this early 20th century patented drug, turned over the counter supplement, cure what ails you or is it just so much hype that will take your money?
Colloidal silver has exploded on the web as a supplement, heralded as a cure all, and cursed by some officials that seem to be motivated by the large pharmaceuticals.
Colloidal silver was used as a natural antibiotic prior to the discovery of penicillin. The new antibacterial agent was the drug of favor worldwide. Colloidal silver was shoved to the back of medical consciousness and found little use after 1929. But wait, the medical world did not stop using silver. The overwhelming healing qualities of silver are continued even now in the worlds burn centers and millions of babies have had a silver concentrate flushed into their eyes immediately after birth.
So if this natural antibiotic was once used so widely, why did the physicians stop using it? Did bacteria develop a resistance to colloidal silver? Did it stop working? The answer seems to be a pharmaceutical decision. No resistance...