Before you begin to design the Web site give special attention to a proper color scheme. Though choosing a suitable color seems to be easy, it is hard to fix a proper color actually.
Web designers have got millions of colors with them. So they need not pay for their color choice. But what they require is the special hexadecimal code for the particular color of their choice.
One of the draw backs of having a collection of millions of colors is that some becomes crazy after different choices of colors and use more colors of their imagination on their web site. This is not a professional tendency, but rather it destroys the readability of the web pages.
It is important to pick hues that complement each other. Most people prefer black text on a white background and it is healthy too. This is an important fact to keep in mind when you design your web site. A dark font on a light background is recommendable and healthy. It makes reading easier and a more appreciative for the visitors.
Color affects our emotions. For example, the red color makes us hungry. If you’re on a diet, it wouldn’t be a good idea to set your table with a red...