When we see colors, we connect with them instantly on a subliminal level. No one can be sure if our reactions are the result of our very human nature or if they are shaped by our socialization, but the reactions are very real. The human mind is hardwired to respond to color.
Marketing experts know about that powerful connection between consumers and color. Theyve done a great deal of research using carefully controlled experiments and have decided that color does have a big role in forming peoples perceptions of products and logos. That research is confirmed by real world actions, too. Companies have found that changing a logos color scheme even a little bit can have a giant impact on sales.
When we see colors, we react right away. It happens faster than we can read a single word. In fact, the mind makes color connections and forms opinions before the conscious mind even knows what we are looking at!
A logo is the most repeated and frequently displayed symbol of your business. Its on your letterhead, your website, business cards, products and more. Its your brand and its an inseparable part of your business.
When you think about how important your...