One of the strategies commercial real estate investors like to employ is hiring consultants or market research companies to analyze a specific market a commercial real estate investor wants to pursue.
To a beginning investor, the overall strategy seems logical and well-intended. Who better to know a market than the analysts who spend there days and nights collecting, analyzing and reporting on such data?
Ill tell you: YOUthe commercial real estate investor.
There is no substitute for doing your own research. There is no substitute for keeping your own counsel. There is no substitute for doing your own homework.
Because its YOUR MONEY that will ultimately be spent. Its YOUR bank account that will ultimately reflect the success or failure of a commercial real estate endeavor.
Too many well meaning beginning real estate investors think they dont have what it takes to do the homework required on a market. Too many well meaning investors yield their analysis people who supposedly know more about the subject than they do.
This is a costly strategic mistake.
I have nothing against market research people or consultants....