Whether you have a credit card or you are thinking of getting one, what ever is the type of credit card, there is a simple credit card jargon that you must be aware of.
Credit Cards: This is a card issued by a financial institution that allows the cardholder to use credit to purchase goods and services up to a predetermined limit. The cardholder gets a monthly statement and then he/she has to pay back. There is an interest on the amount credited.
Credit Limit: This is the maximum amount you are allowed to spend on the credit card. How much credit limit you get depends on you credit history and the type of credit card you own (gold or Platinum Cards).
Credit History or Credit Scoring: This is your track record of how you have paid accounts in the past. It is important from the creditor’s point of view since it determines whether you are likely to pay accounts on time in the future or not.
Gold and Platinum Cards: These are credit cards issued to high-end earners. These have high or no credit limit. They come bundled with a number of services and benefits not available to a standard cardholder.