The second dot com boom is well underway, with thousands of individuals and industries flocking to the Internet to start web sites that will promote their business or that they envision as a business in itself. The fact is that many Internet marketing opportunities operate along the same lines as businesses in the real world, and many investors are making several mistakes when it comes to their hopes of creating a web based business. These mistakes will often depend on if the business is concerned with providing customers access to their product through the Internet or if the individual is merely wanting to drive traffic to their site. In both cases, there are several mistakes that need to be avoided.
Individuals who begin on the web with visions of dollars in their heads need to remember that in order to be successful they will need to establish repeat visitors. Many individuals are currently absolutely gung-ho about the concept of search engine optimization. It is true that all individuals on the Internet visit a search engine sooner or later in order to find a specific topic. It is also true that most Internet companies are well aware of this marketing concept, with...