Since man first figured out how to build and use a car, weve been used to driving round in cars that are powered by the internal combustion engine. There has really never been another viable alternative. But those times are changing. With the ever increasing media attention on green issues and the need to look after our planet, hybrid cars are slowly becoming integrated into our society. People are starting to compare hybrid cars to the more ordinary cars they have now, and theyre wondering if or when its worth making the change.
Compare hybrid cars to normal cars and youll see many similarities, but its the differences that stand out. They still commonly use the internal combustion engine, but they no longer rely on that as their sole source of energy.Hybrid cars also use either battery power or electric power to keep running. This combination of resources is what stands out when you compare hybrid cars to regular cars. But the best thing youll see when you compare hybrid cars to the usual type of car that is no doubt sitting in your driveway is the effect they have on the environment. This is why hybrid cars are such big news.
Hybrid cars are kinder to the...