Once you have made the decision to pursue an LPN degree online, it’s time for comparing online LPN nursing schools. A few factors should go into your decision, such as your needs and career goals. The following information will help you in the process.
One primary factor when comparing online LPN nursing schools is accreditation. Any school you choose should be accredited by one of the primary nursing professional organizations. These are The National League of Nursing Accreditation Commission and The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). Because an LPN program prepares you for state certification, this accreditation is essential. Your state may not accept an LPN degree from a non-accredited organization. Many schools post accreditation information on their websites. You can also contact these organizations directly. Before enrolling, be sure that your state will accept the program for preparation to take the NCLEX licensing examination.
Rankings and Reports
Another way for comparing online LPN nursing schools is by finding out how other organizations rank the school as well as the school’s information on...