A compulsive gambler is a person who is not able to resist the urge to gamble. The compulsiveness leads to severe personal and social consequences. The desire to gamble becomes so difficult to control that stress can only be calmed by gambling more.
1. Walks, Talks and Breathes Gambling.
The compulsive gambler preoccupies himself with gambling. He tells story of previous experiences. The compulsive gambler often discuss with anybody willing to listen, his new schemes or next winning strategy.
2. More, more and more.
The compulsive gambler finds himself gambling more and more money. In most cases he is not gambling for a bigger prize but for an increased thrill or excitement. The time he spends gambling usually lasts longer than planned.
3. Cant Stop, Wont Stop.
The compulsive has repeatedly been unable to curb his gambling. Worse, he becomes irritable and restless when attempting to cut back or stop altogether. Unfortunately, gambling is a way of escaping or relieving his problems.
4. Lies, lies and more lies.
The compulsive gambler starts lying to family and friends in order to hide his habit. But lies and brags about...