The investigator waited until midnight, when the plant was empty, and thousands of computers had slipped into screen-saver slumber. Furtively, he sat in front of a colleagues personal computer. In half an hour, the detective made an exact copy of the colleagues hard drive. Then, using a program called Encase, he uncovered hundreds of pornographic images, which eventually cost the coworker his job.
Workplace computers are company property, so employers may inspect their contents. Only in Connecticut must employers inform workers of computer monitoring. According to the American Management Association, 45 percent of our nations large companies use computer forensics to electronically monitor workers computers.
The number of employees involved in Internet-related crimes or violations of company computer use policy is rising. Dow Chemical fired or disciplined 200 employees for trading dirty jokes and photos by e-mail. Then Xerox fired 40 workers, and the New York Times terminated 23 employees for similar violations.
Recently a small firm in Utah noticed that its servers were full. An employee remarked that several workers were regularly downloading music albums...