It’s like being in a dead end…finally reaching a stage in your career when you come face-to face with a complete sense of disillusionment with your job, and perhaps, with yourself. You no longer get any satisfaction nor fulfillment in everything that you do, and no one can talk you out of whatever decision you have already made. It’s the point of no return. It’s about time that you give yourself, not just a break, but freedom from stress and anxiety that have been tearing your world apart. It’s simply called burnout.
Burnout is a deep-seated sense of disillusionment and exhaustion with a job or career that used to provide so much excitement and motivation. No one is exempted from burnout. It happens even to highly committed and passionate individuals who encounter problems or get involved in situations where their enthusiasm and passion are gradually being stripped away until they eventually lose the drive and will to go on. It can be a situation or a thought that can weigh you down or make you feel frustrated and angry.
Stress and anxiety are normal parts of everyday life. Both can motivate a person to be productive and to rise up...