Loans are not as easy as scholarships and grants. It becomes a responsibility for many years after you graduate until you pay off the debt. And thats why it is very vital for you to study the student loan payment plans and options when you are looking for a loan. You should always go for the best, which does not burden you with very high interest rates and heavy payment methods.
Regardless of what kind of loan you have, most of the times the student loan payment starts six months after you have graduated, or after you have gotten a job in many places. What most people are not aware of is that sometimes there might be better options for you to properly pay off the loan without burdening yourself.
Various Payment Options
In a common student loan payment, you basically pay the same amount every month, for a certain period of time assigned in the loan agreement previously. This period can be anywhere from five to 15 years. Alternatively, there are several other student loan payment methods too, which includes extended repayment, graduated repayment, and income-contingent repayment. These payment methods were introduced for both federal loans and private loans...