Many people are fearful, anxious or phobic about something — a dark room, a fury cat, being on top of a tall building, or being in a small, cramped room. These fears or phobias may be exaggerated or irrational yet they cause so much distraction and distress.
In the long list of fears known to man, perhaps one of the most difficult to bear is the condition called social anxiety disorder. This disorder refers to the constant fear of being criticized by other people. People who have this problem are so self-conscious to the point that they feel that everyone around them is looking at them. In the process, socially anxious people become afraid of the world around them.
According to National Institute of Mental Health, …social phobia is characterized by overwhelming anxiety in everyday social situations. It can be any type of situation—such as fear of speaking in formal or informal situations.
Anxiety in social situations is not felt by shy, insecure people alone. Famous people like the singer Donny Osmond (the brother of Marie Osmond) also had social anxiety. In a very intimate interview, Donny Osmond revealed that, for years, he...