If you are suddenly hit by unexpected medical expenses, the answer may be to consolidate bills. Many people are paying far too much of their income every month on credit debt. If they consolidate bills, they can either free up some of their income to meet ongoing monthly medical expenses or they can increase their borrowing to cover major hospital and other costs while keeping their repayments the same.
There are a number of ways you can consolidate bills. If you are a homeowner, a home equity loan is probably the least expensive way to reduce your monthly credit payments. However, there is always a risk in tying your home to any debt. If you cannot meet the repayments of the second loan you can lose your home. Chances are, though, that even if the payments decrease or remain the same, you will maintain your current status quo.
However, if the medical expenses are likely to be staggered, a homeowner may well be advised to choose a home equity line of credit to consolidate bills. The advantage of this loan is that the loan isn’t paid out in one payment, whether you need it or not. It is conducted much like a checking account. You only access the account when...