If you ave been applying for credit and always being turned down, that is because your credit report has negative information on it. Time to do something about that! Your credit file is the information kept by credit reporting agencies concerning your record of payments to creditors. There are three major credit reporting agencies who perform these services for companies who are interested in finding out how good or bad a risk you are. Whenever you apply for a loan, try to rent an apartment and even apply for a job, you can be sure your credit report is being looked at. Time to do something about your personal finances if you have a bad credit report and you get declined for any of these.
Your credit file is built up over the years by the credit reporting agencies who keep track of all of your bills and your bill paying habits. If you have been in the habit of missing payments, being late, or just forgetting to pay, that will all be in your credit file as marks against your credit. These will result in lower credit scores, and lower credit scores mean you will not have a very good chance of getting a loan, or some other things you might be interested in, such as an...