If you are in debt you are a slave, literally. Yes I know that slavery was abolished 150 years ago but that was just one kinddebt is another but you have the same problem and that is lack of freedom. When people become debt free (often when they consolidate debt) they cant believe the weight that is lifted and they cant believe how stupid they were for ever going into debt in the first place. They would gladly have the chance to do it over again and not drive that new leased car and not go on all those exotic vacations on their credit cards tab and not eat out as much and not live in the nice part of town in the expensive apartment with the gym membership. They would put off those luxuries in order to establish themselves and then would slowly as they were actually able afford the nice things in life.
So being realistic and never going into debt in the first place is option numero uno but what if you have already made bad decisions? Is there a good way to get out? Well yes and much of it is education, how to handle money and how to find trust in the concept of delayed gratification. After all the best things in life are those that you have to work hard for and wait for...