The practice of transferring the balance of one credit card with a high interest rate to another credit card with a lower interest rate is a fairly common way to consolidate debt, but very few people know how to make effective balance transfers. The goal of balance transfers is very simple: to save money. If you are not, then you are probably not utilizing balance transfers effectively.
The following factors will determine how and when you should make balance transfers so that you maximize the benefits.
Credit History
If you have a poor credit history, then you have a lower chance of securing a credit card with a low interest rate. Credit card companies base their decisions upon consumers credit scores and collection accounts, so it will help if you are familiar with your credit report. That way, you arent applying for several credit cards at once, thus planting those applications on your credit report.
Those with high credit scores can usually obtain a credit card with a low APR (annual percentage rate) or even a 0% APR. Many credit card offers include 0% interest on balance transfers for the first six-to-twelve months, which can save you hundreds...