Preparing a scrumptious meal for guest is a great accomplishment. Many people neglect one of the most important things and that is cleanliness. There are people who assume that personal hygiene is for cooks who work in restaurant kitchens. Personal hygiene is for everyone that prepares a meal for themselves or someone else.
It would be a horror if one could spy on a cook and watch them throughout the course of the day. There hands are full of germs and they havent even washed their hands all day. The suddenly, they decide to bake cookies for their guest. Imagine someone with germs clinging to their hands rolling dough for homemade cookies that you eat. This is how many people contract a variety of illnesses beyond the common cold or flu. This is a serious matter and a good cook shouldnt take it lightly.
Smart cooks make sure that they always clean and store their cookware in its proper place as soon as they are finished using it. When the dinner is over, they can relax because the do not have anything to put away. Lazy cooks become discouraged when they see the pile of cookware form into a mountain of dirty pots and pans. Some people go days without...