If you are tired of paying retail prices for the things you want and need, you may want to look into auctions state and federal for office furniture, cars, trucks, boats, and sometimes even real estate.
The equipment, vehicles, and other items that end up selling for ridiculously low prices come from a variety of sources. You can get really cool cars, trucks, and boats that have been seized by the police; game wardens; The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (federal government auctions); and other government agencies and departments.
There are also big-ticket items like vehicles and smaller items available through surplus property auctions. Often, when the state has a big project like a grant that it is working on, they will purchase office equipment and/or furniture that they need in order to get their special project completed on time. Then, guess what? They have all this stuff that they no longer need or want, so they put it up for sale at auction.
There can be almost anything at some of these public auctions. Firearms, copiers, computers, cars, boats, planes, trucks, golf carts, jewelry, furniture, electronics, and sometimes even designer...