So what is working at home, and coping with stress, really all about? The following reports includes some fascinating information about working at home, and stress –info you can use not just the old stuff they used to tell you.
Most of us have been stressed working at home at some point. Aside from the stress of having to find new clients and new jobs, we often encounter stress because jobs come in mad, occasional bursts. Some days our to do list is almost empty, and the following days it seems like we can hardly keep up.
Deadlines can be overwhelming, and when one is affected, effectiveness plunges. The brain is no longer focused on creativity and action.
When stress level stack up, here what to do. First, reduce stress by… Stopping. Sounds a bit basic, and it’s really hard to do, just stop. Stress can cause health problems or make problems worse if you don’t learn ways to deal with it.
The next step is to find a way to deal with your stress. A simple way is to avoid the circumstance that leads to our stress–but often this is not feasible. Another way is to change how we react to stress. This is often the best...