If you haven’t heard of cornhole, you probably haven’t been to the midwest in awhile. The game is also known as bean bag toss and has been growing like wildfire in the midwest and beyond. Not only does it have two national organizations, but also a movie in the works and front page stories on Wall Street Journal. The game keeps growing as more and more tournaments are hosted each year. Most recently, a large tournament was held at Soliders Field in Chicago. But what is this game all about?
Quite simply, cornhole involves 8 bags (4 per team) and 2 cornhole boards. Teams pair up in teams of two and then take turns tossing their bags at the opposing cornhole board. The game is simple to play, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. You know that by the hundreds of people you see lining the sidewalks of Chicago every weekend as they squeeze a few games in. Young and old line the streets as they play “Bags” (as it’s known in Chicago) and enjoy the nice summer weather. With a drink in hand of course!
So what is the real reason for the growth? Well, it probably has to do with the fact that there hasn’t been a true...