Having a credit card has become the norm in todays society. If you have a flippant attitude and dont use your credit card in the correct manner then you could unwittingly become deep in debt without realizing it or the implications. Looking at ways in which you can get the best use out of your credit card and keeping your spending under control may be key factors in reducing your chances of having unmanageable debt.
Paying On Time
Probably the most important thing is that you pay your bill on time, if you dont you will incur a late payment charge and have the added interest on top of your original payment. Paying the full amount of your balance every month, if you can, will prevent the cost of interest, meaning you only pay what you have spent. If you cant make the payment in full then at least paying the minimum payment is advisable but will cost you on interest the following month. If you repeatedly only pay the minimum payment every month and are still spending on your credit card you will soon find out that you seem to be getting nowhere in reducing your balance. Some credit card lenders include a minimum payment warning on their credit card statements....