There are many among us who enjoy the pleasurable moments that comes with sex but there are others who somehow feel that they havent experienced that peek feeling others talk about when it comes to intercourse. Bear in mind that there are also many sexually active couples whose sparks fade and experience certain pitfalls when it comes to the passion and feelings that sexual pleasures used to have ignited in them.
The most common mistake that most couples commit that makes their sexual activities uninteresting is because they always expect sex every time to be that mind-blowing which is not a reality most of the time. When sex becomes such a routine and there is no room for twists, creative styles and techniques, it physically becomes boring and such a chore to do.
Plus, there is the fact that most people have such high expectations from their partners during sexual intercourse and when the passion and sensations they anticipate or expect are not met then the sexual act now creates feelings of disappointment and anxiety. This is most especially applicable for those who are trying sex for the first time or are trying it with a different partner and they make...