If you are in sales you know one of the most challenging aspects of what you do is getting in front of prospects. Prospects and clients are bombarded constantly with items that promote, market, or advertise what people do. So we sell, buy, receive, file, or throw away items that were just not sure what to do with. Millions of dollars in advertising and promotions end up in the trash, completely ineffective and wasted.
The question becomes: How do you keep your promotional advertising and unique marketing items out of the trash and on the desk? The answer is simple: use creative and appropriate methods to get recognized.
Sales is really about the ability to think quickly, be flexible, creative and innovation. Regardless of what some people may believe, marketing is a huge part of the sales process. If you want to stand apart from the competition, you need to do more than sell products. You need to know how to get your foot in the door. To get your foot in the door you have to market. However, it also means making sure you have the right door and a plan for keeping your foot there.
Selling is also about taking stock of your market, your prospective...