Many years ago, while on a training course, a lecturer burst into the room in a bad mood.
I sat on a table of six and we all thought it was because of something we’d done the night before – largely because we’d all had a bit too much to drink and had got up to some boyish antics. But that wasn’t it.
The bad mood actually had nothing to do with us at all. It had been staged to make a point.
The point being communicated to us on that day was how a first impression counts and how it effects other people.
Why am I telling you this?
A few years ago I discovered that some days I found it easy to get. While on other days I didn’t want to get up at all. I then found that the days I wanted to get up were the days when I was doing something I enjoyed or was looking forward to.
Then I found that when I was getting up to do something entertaining I enjoyed the process of getting up. In fact when I had set it up before going to be, I even woke up with a smile – in the same way I do when it’s my birthday!
So I made a list of the ten things I love doing first thing in the morning and made sure that the...