Creating Your Own Web Page is Easy – A Tutorial (Part 2)
Now, Let’s continue with Part 2. We will discuss the following here:
Creating tables
Using CSS boxes as webpage layout
Here’s how:
Creating tables
Tables are very useful in the presentation of data. The following are the html tags to be used to create a basic table:
Single-column table:
<table width=”400″ border=”1″ cellspacing=”2″ cellpadding=”4″>
<tr><td>row 1 data</td></tr>
<tr><td>row 2 data</td></tr>
Type the above in your mywebpage.html within the body tags, save and refresh your browser. That’s the table on the web. Referring to the above html codes, width refers to the width of the whole table (you may also use pixel here like “800”), border is the outside line or outline of the table, cellspacing is the space between the cells, cells are the area where the data are located, cellpadding is the space between border and cells. You may change the values of these table attributes or...