Lots of folks have questions about credit cards but may feel shy about asking for fear of being seen as not savvy. Here’s a list of frequently asked questions about applying for credit cards to bring you up to speed on what you need to know about the credit card application process.
Can I apply for a credit card?
In general, if you’re 18 years of age or older (the age limit may be lower in some states) and are a U.S. citizen, you have the legal right to apply for a credit card with any U.S. bank or financial institution.
Do I have to have a bank account to get a credit card?
In most cases, credit card companies won’t consider issuing credit to someone that doesn’t have at least one bank account in their own name.
Do I have to have a bank account with the bank that issues the credit card?
No – in most cases. As long as the credit card issuer can determine your credit worthiness, it doesn’t matter where your bank account is. There is one exception. If you apply for a secured credit card, you must keep a ‘security deposit’ of a certain amount in the institution chosen by the credit card...