It’s so easy to have those credit card balances sneak up on you, leaving you with a number of credit card and charge card balances high enough that you’re only able to meet the monthly payments. On top of that, the interest rate is eating up the majority of your payment, so that it will take you years to pay off the balance owing. This is where you should consider credit card debt consolidation.
There are many people who do not own a home and don’t have the luxury of being able to draw on an equity line of credit. This is where one should consider a balance transfer credit card. Many of these offers include a 0% twelve month introductory agreement.
When considering this method of reducing your monthly payments and paying down your debt, you do need to read the fine print. Some offers have no transfer fee, while others charge a flat fee of up to $50 for each transaction and then again there are those that charge 3% of the balance transferred.
The other thing needed to take into consideration, is what is the interest rate after the 12 month introductory time is up? This can also vary greatly, from 10% to 17.99%; however, there are many low...