If you have let your credit card debt get out of hand, then do not panic. You are among a fast growing group of people who are falling victim to the UKs ever increasing credit card debt mountain. As a nation, we are adding to our credit card debt at a truly alarming rate. With the number of people now in credit card debt approaching half of the population, this trend is only growing and growing.
Luckily, there are a number of steps you can take to start getting your credit back on track. The first, and most obvious step to take is to reign in your spending. If you are starting to worry about your debt level, then dont bury your head in the sand and try to ignore it. As soon as you become aware that there may be a problem, stop spending on the cards. For most people, when they begin to get worried, it is not too late. They will be able to manage their debt so long as they take action and stop racking up debt.
What you then should do is make a repayment plan, dedicating your highest repayments to the cards with the highest interest rates. Your plan should be to clear one card at a time, starting with the most expensive. Then direct your attention at the next...