Million of people seek relief from the burdon of credit card debt. Lots of options are available, but if your the one seeking credit card debt relief, you already under pressure. Its difficult enough to deal with the problem without the additional stress of sorting through all the available debt relief choices.
Once you come to the realization that you need to reduce and eliminate debt, the next step is to find the right solution for you. The solution that eliminates debt quickly and has the best chance of rapid credit recovery after you get out of debt.
Debt consolidation is an option. This credit card debt relief is achieved in one of two ways. Either you work with a consolidation company who contacts all of your creditors for you. They make the arrangement, they collect a payment from you, they dissementate the payment to your assorted creditors.
The problem with most of these companies is that they charge huge fees. Many times the first few payments just pay the consolidation company without reducing any of your debt. The calls continue, they debts remain unpaid and you feel ripped off.
The second way to consolidate debt is to take...