Credit cards that are used in moderation could be helpful in managing your finances. This means that splurging through the use of credit cards is almost financial suicide.
Here are few tips to manage the way you use your credit card to prevent you from acquiring debts that could lead to your financial death (excuse the pun).
1) Planning. Before purchasing any product using your credit card, make sure to provide yourself with a plan on how you will be able to pay for your credit card bills. Prioritize your needs before your wants. Purchasing grand items that you don’t really need might give you that temporary high that impulsive buyers are addicted to. But that temporary high would eventually turn to long-term down feeling due to your piled up debts.
2) Limit. For you to be able to manage your debts and payments, never go overboard when it comes to your credit limit. If it’s possible, it will help a lot if you just use about two-thirds of your limit.
3) Statement of account. Keep a record of all your credit card transactions for future reference. In order to prevent inaccuracies of bills and fraud, always remember to check the list of...