Getting into debt is easy but getting out of it really a difficult task. This holds good for any kind of debt and includes credit card debt too. Credit card debt reduction needs planning and discipline in the way you spend money.
Credit card debt reduction starts with reduction in the expenditures you make using your credit card. So, the first trick for credit card reduction is to go for shopping without your credit card (carry some small amount of cash). This credit card reduction technique isnt asking you to stop shopping, instead its just asking you to seriously evaluate the need of anything you want to purchase and not just purchase it on the spur of the moment. So, if you really-really need to buy it, you will go back to your home to fetch your credit card thus introducing a delay that is instrumental in killing spur-of-the-moment purchase (and hence helping in credit card debt reduction). It gives you time to evaluate if its really worth going back home and getting the credit card for purchasing that item. So, in this case, credit card debt reduction is achieved by preventing the debt from building up further. Its a very effective credit card debt reduction...