What are credit cards?
Credit cards let you pay later for any purchase you make. In case of any sort of emergency or urgent situation, when you may not have cash to make payments, credit cards can be helpful. Credit cards are commonly used to get fuel for cars or buying products in a grocery store. You receive a statement at the end of each month. The statement tells you of the expenditures you have done using your credit card. It also mentions minimum balance, due date, fees, etc.
What is an additional cardholder?
An additional cardholder may be anyone from your family, aged above 18. He will also be issued a credit card. You can contact your credit card company if you wish to have an additional cardholder.
What is a balance transfer?
Balance transfer means the transferring of outstanding balances of credit cards from your current credit card company to another.
What should be done on losing a credit card?
If you happen to lose your credit card, you should inform the your bank as soon as possible, as there can be chances that some one may use your credit card and you end up paying for that too....