For many people, their credit card appears to be free. Apart from the interest they pay on their outstanding balance at the end of each month, they do not pay any other fees for the convenience of the credit card. While this may be true for some people, for many of them their credit card provider will in fact be charging them various fees. For others it may not be true at all as they have to pay a monthly or annual fee for their credit card.
Credit card fees can come from a variety of sources. The most basic is that the credit card company simply charges a monthly fee for the card. This can be a result of your having a particularly bad credit rating, but in fact, there are some very financially healthy people who pay these credit card fees. This is because some credit card providers charge these fees on their most exclusive and attractive cards, it is a payment that qualifying customers must make if they are to be granted access to the best rates and terms and conditions.
There are also fees for certain specific types of transactions. Some companies charge fees for using credit card checks. There is usually a fee for using your card abroad, especially if you use...