With the abundant use of credit cards today, and especially the abundant use compounded by the secret avenues of the world wide web, can put the common consumer in a substantially dangerous position to becoming a victim of fraud. Much like computer viruses and the necessary adjustments made by internet providers, credit card companies and merchants are vigilantly trying to combat fraud as it occurs and thinking of new ways to pre-empt it before it can hit you. The cost of credit card fraud is very high, over 700 million pounds in the UK alone in 2006 so finding ways to anticipate and stop the damage caused by fraud, is much like the credit industry itself, very big business.
Everyone today wants a piece of the fraud protection market. Some credit card companies offer their own incentives and programs and advertise them through clever ads starring Donald Trump, Viking marauders, and unwitting customers channeling the voices of the thieves who made them victims. Internet sites like Scambusters dot com and Merchant911 dot org can protect consumers and merchants. Often these services can be free, or just providing a forum which consumers and merchants can share...