When it comes to credit cards, an ideal world would be where you didnt have to worry about your credit card information getting into the wrong hands. But in reality, credit card fraud is a real concern. By taking a few simple steps you can be one less statistic as a victim.
Thieves are getting smarter and you need to take the necessary steps to outsmart them.
1)Always know where your cards are at all times so that they dont get into the wrong hands. Any statements showing your credit card information should be kept in a safe place and if you are throwing any away always make sure that you shred them. Thieves have been known to go into someones personal trash and getting their hands on statements. If your card number is clearly visible then your card number can be used in a fraudulent manner.
2)If you are purchasing something on the internet, you should always use some precaution about which websites you give your credit card number to. Always make sure that you are putting the card number into forms on a website that you trust. Avoid entering your number into websites that you get to through links in emails. If its a site that you have purchased from in the...