How do people obtain your credit card information to make purchases that you might have to pay for? Some of the common ways include:
Paying for dinner at a restaurant. Your waitress or waiter takes your credit card with the check for your dinner, brings it to the register and processes the transaction and returns your card with a receipt to be signed. What you didnt notice when the card was given back to you was it wasnt even your credit card! Some waiters and waitresses might give you a fake credit card in return and keep your credit card to go shopping with, later. Or perhaps the credit card was returned to you, but only after the waiter or waitress copied down the details and placed the information in their back pocket for later. With that information, he or she can make purchases online or by phone, and not need to sign any receipts.
Some thieves hide inside contests, because everyone wants to win things for free! Youll receive a mailing that says youve won a free vacation or item that requires you join a travel club or pay for shipping on the item youve won. When you provide your credit card information to join the club or pay for the shipping costs,...