If you are concerned about the credit card interest rates you are being offered, or any other terms or conditions that you feel are unfair or less favourable than those to which you are entitled to, you may wish to familiarise yourself with the Fair Credit Reporting Act or FCRA as it is abbreviated. This law is primarily aimed at ensuring that peoples credit reports are kept accurate and up to date, as well as protecting your privacy in financial matters such as these. It is governed and enforced by the Federal Trade Commission, which, takes on the role of protecting consumers at a federal level.
Therefore if you feel that you are being cheated or there is something afoul with the credit card interest rates you are being offered, you may wish to get into contact with the Federal Trade Commission to see what exactly your rights are in this regard. You should always make a point of understanding and being up to date with these rights whenever you are negotiating for new credit, or an improvement in the terms of your existing credit, since such knowledge and information will improve your bargaining position and will help ensure that you are not taken advantage of by the...