Credit cards have become a common means of paying bills. It is very convenient because you need not make any cash payments from your pocket. Though credit cards are easy to use, they come with a fee that is charged by the credit card company. It is advisable to pay credit card fees on time because being late will cost you a lot of money.
Many credit card companies charge a penalty for late fees, so it is advisable to pay up in time, to avoid the penalty. The average late fee for credit card used to be 12 dollars in 1994; by 2004, it rose to 32.65 dollars. It has now gone up to a whopping 39-40 dollars. Hence, it is prudent not to delay your payment.
You can stay away from late fees by various methods.
1. The best way to avoid late fees is to be fully aware of all the conditions and restrictions related to your credit card company. You can get the information of the guidelines on the back of the credit card bill that your company sends you. Try to make use of the specified instructions of payment in order to ensure that your money reaches them on time, without any problem.
2. Having a good record can always help. As a responsible credit card user, you...