A credit card is something very important that should be well taken care. If anyone gets hold of your credit card number they can fraudulently pay for items without your knowledge and leave you with debt you know nothing about. But why does a credit card have so many numbers. Is it to make it more difficult for others to know your number?
All of the numbers on your credit card means something. The first digit is determined by the credit card system whose card you are using, whether it is Visa, MasterCard, American-Express or Diners Club International. If your card is a Visa, this is what the rest of your numbers represent. The digits from second to six are the number of the bank issuing the credit card, while the numbers from seven to twelve or fifteen would be your account number. The last digit is a check number.
Whenever you use your card to pay for an item these digits will help the system to charge the correct account. All these details enable the system to accurately track all your transactions, including the date, place and exact time. These will then be reflected on the statements that you receive from your card issuer, which you have to carefully study to...