The game in acquiring credit card is not fixed at one rule. There are several things to think about and to consider to get the best ever deal for a credit card. The more flexible you are in choosing and maintaining your credit card the better deal you may get from a credit card issuer.
Lending companies also make offers to allure clients to apply credit cards from them. However, they propose an offer in such a way that their capital and profit are not compromised. They will also need to give rewards and other benefits to keep their clients banking needs or doing business with them. For many companies, the rewards and benefits that they give are just equivalent to the promotion cost that other business is spending to get the attention of customers.
There are banks and lending companies that offer one or more type of credit card. These cards vary on the benefits and offers. Deposits also differ according to the scope and the capacity of card and its credit limit.
There are offers that are constant throughout the activation of the card. These offers do not change in time but can be change if no longer applicable. Changing said offer will now be the prerogative...