Credit Card Payment Strategies: Beat Credit Card Debt Nightmares That Keep People Awake At Night
If you are struggling to afford just the minimum payments on your credit cards, you are not alone. A large percentage of the people you pass on the street each day are suffering under the weight of the exact same stress. They are also concerned about upcoming (or past) due dates and an ever-increasing credit card debt balance.
You don’t have to continue to lose sleep worrying about your debts, but you do need to take actiontoday. Little by little, one-step at a time; you can change your credit situation from an ongoing nightmare to a bad dream of the past.
Scrutinize Your Expenses
Hard as it may be to face, until your credit card debt is paid down to a manageable level, you will need to start living frugally. Start by keeping a daily expense log, detailing everything from your morning coffee to the monthly electric bill. Then go through this list, line-by-line, and determine which expenses can be eliminated and which can at least be decreased.
Look for New Money
Consider taking a second job, tutoring on weekends, or...